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Total 11 Results for:
  1. Latin America Group
  2. Asia
  3. Intellectual Property
Dana Kim photo

Dana Kim

Global Co-Chair of Korea Group, Hong Kong

Dana Kim
Nanda Lau photo

Nanda Lau

Head of Corporate, China, Shanghai

Nanda Lau
Harry Evans photo

Harry Evans

Partner, Singapore

Harry Evans
Peng Lei photo

Peng Lei

Partner, Kewei, Mainland China

Peng Lei
Alexandra Neri photo

Alexandra Neri

Partner, Paris

Alexandra Neri
Peggy Chow photo

Peggy Chow

Of Counsel, Singapore

Peggy Chow
May Tai photo

May Tai

Consultant, Hong Kong

May Tai
Bob Bao photo

Bob Bao

Counsel, Kewei, Mainland China

Bob Bao
Weili Zhong photo

Weili Zhong

Senior Associate, Beijing

Weili Zhong
Pauline Tang photo

Pauline Tang

Associate, Singapore

Pauline Tang
David Webb photo

David Webb

Registered Foreign Lawyer (England and Wales), Hong Kong

David Webb